Obesity and your heart
The heart is a very important organ that needs special attention and proper care throughout your life in order to keep away heart disease. There are many factors that lead to heart diseases. Commonly obesity is one of the main causes of heart disease. A sedentary lifestyle and improper eating habits leads to obesity.
Obesity is casused by excess body fat being deposited throughout the body and can lead to health problems such as heart disease. Obesity is mainly categorized into two types that is apple-shaped obesity and pear-shaped obesity. It is also proven that people who have high fat deposits on their abdomen (apple-shaped obesity) have a higher risk of developing heart disease than those who have more fat deposited on their hips or thighs (pear-shaped obesity).
So to reduce the risk of heart diseases you should follow a good balanced diet, by eliminating refined carbs and taking lots of water and exercising. A person’s BMI is a great way to check your healthy weight, or alternatively you can determine your percentage body fat percentage by using plastic body fat calipers and doing a simple skin-fold test. Body fat calipers are not expensive and they are readily available to buy. Always remember to eat right to feel bright as this should be your motto to lead a healthy happy life.